These delicate, fan-shaped bivalves are harvested in the wild and on dedicated farms throughout the Maritime provinces, Newfoundland, Quebec and British Columbia. Scallops are a delectable and long-cherished piece of Canada's diverse seafood tapestry.
With a sweet, creamy taste and a tender, buttery texture, Canadian scallops are a culinary delight. Whether seared to a golden perfection or served in a rich chowder, scallops have an undeniable appeal, and they are easy to add to pasta, soup, and even cocktails.
This delectable shellfish is an aquaculture success story — and a delicious addition to your family menu whether steamed, boiled, roasted, or grilled.
Helps build red blood cells
May aid bone and tooth development
Contributes to maintaining healthy skin
Featured Recipe:
Grilled Mussels with Gochujang Butter
Canadian shrimp come primarily from the North Atlantic and typically grow up to 10cm in length. Their compact size and great taste make them ideal for salads, wraps, and snacking.
Excellent source of Vitamin B12
Maintains healthy skin
Supports the immune system
Featured Recipe:
Quick Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas
One of Canada’s tastiest freshwater fish, the fillets are excellent for pan-searing but also firm enough for the barbecue.
Good source of vitamin D
Source of protein
Helps with tissue formation
Featured Recipe:
Spicy Maple Syrup Fried Fish with Waffles